HU Stealing and Defending short theory question

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HU Stealing and Defending short theory question

I play mainly NL50 and NL100 HU. I have a more tighter approach and especially against those type of players(recreationals), I dont see a big point defending wide against a tight stealing range, but wide weak limping range. Also I dont see a big point in stealing a very wide range(I steal 70%), because most of my opponents have high3bet tendencies or just its easier to stack them with tighter ranges.
And now my theory question:
- does I lose a lot of "bb/100" by not defending more than 50% vs described players
- does I lose a lot of "bb/100" by not stealing more than 70% vs those kind of player pool as described

Is this kind of approach generally bad or should I use it still it works vs my opponents but doesnt expect much from such a construct vs regulars?

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