How does 5 bet jamming wider affect future EV?
Posted by Andrew Sweeney
Posted by Andrew Sweeney posted in Mid Stakes
How does 5 bet jamming wider affect future EV?
I have been wondering, for a while now if I should make slightly minus –EV vacuum shoves ((((9or decline slightly +EV vacuum shoves, because of the affect on my future EV for 5B jamming a wider range. For example take SBvBO, we are 100BBs deep im 3B/5Bing 99/AQ+, I then decide to add some Axs and all 22-88 to my 5B range(SBvBO). As a result of the addition to my 5B range I would expect ( I notice this with some villians when they have seen me 5B Axs) villain to start 4B calling off wider i.e with hand such as AJ. I would also expect him to move along the adjustment path in other ways, i.e 4Bing me less and opening the BO less.
These are what I think are the pros and cons of 5Bing wider on future EV. Would appreciate it someone could tell me anything im leaving out, or correct me on any misconceptions I may hold.
On one hand I would expect to increase my future EV for the top of my 5Bing range as villain is 4B calling off with a wider range.
Id also expect to get more opportunities to open the SBs as BO should tighten up because I can 3B more and not expect him to get out of line 4Betting more because I am 5Betting more.
On the other hand, the top of his range gains extra EV from me 5Betting a wider range and hands such as AJ, that before hand had more EV as flats now have relatively more EV as 4B, call offs. As Im able to 3B wider hands that would of previously been marginal folds, /w EV=0 to 3Bets now become slightly +EV as flats.
I am wondering if there is an unambiguous direction for the future EV, i.e +or- or do they both cancel out from a GTO standpoint? (As well as from an exploitable standpoint) .Are there any other factors/affects I am forgetting about?( I feel that there are)
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