How construct our bet/ch range?
Posted by thegrinder12
Posted by thegrinder12 posted in Mid Stakes
How construct our bet/ch range?
Think this flops hits our range more than BB. We have all sets/2p/streets.
I wonder if we should protectbet our medium hands. let's say we have K8s. If we ch flop behind, we should check almost any turns behind(on most turncards we can't valuebet, otherwise we overrate our hand). So if we check we give BB 2 free cards. with 2 random cards BB has 20-25% equite. And he gets in spots were he can bluf +EV.
I think betting for protecite on this flop is nice.
-Flop hits bb range not much, so he can't xr much
-If we bet like 40% and let him fold 20-25% equite hands looks fine to me?
So my strategy would be betting almost whole range 40% pot.
Which hands should we ch back?
Think we never want bet 100% of our range bc villian could easy exploit that stategy.
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