Calling turn too wide

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Calling turn too wide

I think I found a big leak in my game. I think I am calling turn too wide with hands who are doing poor vs villian his bet range.

Hand 1:

pot odds 27%,
vs a range of fd/2p+/ some AJ(wil not always stab flop) we have 34% equity. I think its really hard to realise our equiy. When the river is a spade and he barrels he will not have much bluffs,so dont like ch.raising on spade rivers. If river is a blanc our hand looks like a bad blufcatcher, bc we block a lot of his missed fd with our As. So I think we rarely will go to shodown with the best hand.

Hand 2:

most regs will barrel river around 60%. This hand isn't a good blufcatcher on rivers since we block some of his FD. So if he barrels river we are folding always (unless hit K ) , and if he checks he will also have a better hand like 30% of the time. I am not sure if folding turn is too tight?

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