Building check/rasie ranges as preflog aggressor (NL 100)

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Building check/rasie ranges as preflog aggressor (NL 100)

We are in the CO and oR to 3bb the BU calls and everybody else is folding.

This are the ranges I work with

CO oR: 22+,A2s+,K6s+,Q7s+,J8s+,T8s+,97s+,87s,76s,65s,54s,A9o+,KTo+,QTo+,JTo

BU Cc: TT-22,ATs-A8s,KJs-K9s,Q9s+,J9s+,T9s,98s,AJo-ATo,KJo+

In my opinion it is very important to have a solid plan with your range on the Flop. In this example we treat Villain as an unknown and try to build good ranges vs the std. Reg on the small stakes.

Just knowing our range and having a good assumption about Villains range without knowing his postflop tendencies should give us a good starting point if we know what the flop looks like. So these are some questions I have by doing this and my thoughs. Please let me know if you think I am wrong!

Why should we check/raise (vs an unknown)?

We check/raise because we want to protect our checkingrange.

What are the reasons for having a check/raising range?

It makes more sense when we have a wide range e.g. CO vs BU or SB vs BB. When we have a strong preflop range it is not that important to protect our checking range because we do not check a lot.

We want to check/raise more often when Villains top range is worse then our top range. On this Flop e.g. we both have the same amount of sets but we have QQ+ and way more nut FD then Villain. Given that I am able to valuebet much lighter then he can and therefore I am able to but good hands out of my bettingrange which I have to do when I want to check/raise.

Which hands do we check/rasie?

Value: Hands which do not need a lot protection and obv. dominate Villains continue range.

Bluff: Hands which do not have good SD value but have good equity vs Villains continue range or block it.

How much should we check/raise?

I think it depends on the range advantage we have and on our checking range.

If we have way more nuts then Villain we should be able to check/rasie more often and if we do not check a wide range we do not need to check/rasie either.

Ok let me know what you guys think, especially when you think I have a wrong though process! I did some work w crEV and show my result, but this is just my 1.try and when you think specific hands should be in my x/c range instead of betting range let me know.

The frequencies

Betting range

check/call range

check/raise range

and check/fold

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