Bluff catching TPGK on dynamic board
Posted by RunItTw1ce
Posted by RunItTw1ce posted in Low Stakes
Bluff catching TPGK on dynamic board
btn has been loose aggro over small sample.
Btn $5
Hero SB KcJd $22
Btn calls
Flop ($46) Jh 3s 6h
Hero cbet $15
Btn calls
Turn ($76) Jh 3s 6h 5s
Hero bets $26
Btn raises to $60
Hero calls $34 more
River ($196) Jh 3s 6h 5s 3h
Btn bets $90
Hero KcJd ?
In game it seemed like a very strange line to raise the turn small and then keep betting on paired board and front door flush completing. Just didn't make a lot of sense to what range of hands would play like this. As I am getting used to $1/$2 I have been playing very weak tight so far, trying to see what hands these players are showing down. A lot of these bets are not making sense to me.
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