Bet sizing question

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Bet sizing question


I think about this a lot. I saw some videos where 2 different coaches reacted two different ways to a similar situation.

Certainly they didn't play the exact hand history, so I make a handhistory for it:

BU(coach) minraises, BB flat
Flop AK2r
BB ch, BU bet. But which size to use?

Coach1 says: "we have a range advantage here, so we want to make a pretty big betsize here to build the pot", and he bets 4/5psb

Coach2 says: "we have a range advantage here, so we should bet small and the other guy cannot do anything about it, he cannot really xr us, he cannot float with random cards" and bets slightly under half pot.

So which way is the better way to see the situation? I tried to simulate this on CRev but it is too complicated for me to model this YET. If you guys have an idea how to make a tree to see the differences, I would really appreciate it.



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