BB vs SB openraise - 3bet range construction help

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BB vs SB openraise - 3bet range construction help

So we are BB vs a Villain on the SB who opens somewhat wide and folds a lot vs 3bets.
I've made a badge that highlight if a player folds more than 60% so I have the greenlight to attack his opens.
The question is, how much would you 3bet?
What's your range and how you construct it if Villain folds 60%, or 70% or 80%?
And most importantly, how much is too much? You don't want to 3bet 100% even if it shows an immediate profit I guess.

Obv I don't want someone do the job for me but I would like some guidelines and go from there.
Nearly everytime I got in this frequent spot I'm so confused. Nearly every hand justify a 3bet since Villain is fold a lot, but when he doesn't fold I'm in the middle of a confusion where every choise I make is the wrong one

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