Am I better off grinding 4-tables of 2nl zoom?

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Am I better off grinding 4-tables of 2nl zoom?

Before stars implemented the 4-table cap, I used to play 8-reg tables with a 14bb/100 wr over 100k hands (which is a decent sample to prove that I have a real skill at least for 2nl imo). I was able to attain and sustain that wr as a result of being able to table select (along with playing good and not going on tilt ofc) to make sure there's at least 1 massively losing fish at my tables since most, if not all profit in poker, comes from the fish. But due to the table cap, my hourly volume is now cut down to half which means that my hourly ev also goes down (although reg tables are a lot softer now which improves my bb/100 but not to the point where it's 2x more than before).

That's why I am considering switching to grinding 4-zoom tables to achieve a higher hourly ev. I know I can grind 3x as many h/hr 4-tabling zoom compared to 4-reg tables, but I don't know if I will still be +ev at the game now that I can't table select (even though the 2nl zoom pool has lots of recs and weaker regs and only a minority of "solid" regs), and if I'm +ev, is my bb/100 wr going to be 3x worse than my reg table wr?

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