Adaptation 3betting range from BB
Posted by ywouat
Posted by ywouat posted in Mid Stakes
Adaptation 3betting range from BB
Would like to know what you guys think about that :
Btn open 50% minraise range, SB fold, we are BB
Reads : we think he folds to 3bet like 60%, 4bet is very desequilibrated toward value (doesnt 4bet bluff enough)
Our 3betting sizing is 8bb.
Would you use a linear 3betting large range (to exploit the fact that he doesnt 4bet enough, fold maybe too much and let us realize our equity) or keep a polarized range to keep hands that we dominate, and exploit a quite high fold to 3bet
Last point : versus this kind of profil in .fr website where rake is huge postflop and no rake preflop, 3betting a large range (maybe top 15%) is a good starting point for an optimal play?
I ve seen lefort's video on preflop plays which are really interesting, but i think the polarized range he gives applies more for .com website and low rake, vs an opponent that 4bet bluff enough, but under my assumptions (huge postflop rake, btn not 4betting light enough), do you think 3betting a large linear range is a good adaptation?
Sorry for english which is bad
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