AA vs regish type. NL50

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AA vs regish type. NL50

CO raise to 1.5 d ( villian)
SB 3b to 5 w AAds ( Hero)

CO is a reg w 20/25, 23 rfi in co, fold to 3b 67%, 4b 6%, fold on flop in 3b pott 58% over 700 hands.

flop: 9cTcJh

I cb to 6.75 and villian is calling.

Here is my qustesion: I have think alot in situations like this. In this case when villiian is just calling can we count off all his sets then? like do he ever just calling the flop w a set?

Flushdraws? How often do we see people raise this flop w fd or i just calling?

I know this questions is hard to answer. But what your experience?

For me when he just calling the flop, I just dont de so many sets in his range.. Just not 2pairs to.


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