5/10, 1st hand tp 3b pot

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5/10, 1st hand tp 3b pot

This is my first hand at the table and play is 3 handed. I open AJhh otb and sb 3b's to 100. BB folds and I call. Do you guys 4b call on the first hand 3 handed or you think its too thin? Stacks are 1k effective

Flop: AcQc8d
sb cb's 100

question: who likes raise get in? Would you rather call and play? What sorta run-outs are we folding to 3 barrels? I decided to flat.

Turn: 5h
villain bets 200. Since I flatted flop do you like shoving turn or calling again?

villain shoves for 600
call or fold river? I guess I have some lower flushes that I'd double float in a 3b pot shorthanded. As for tp's I think this is as strong as it gets for me as played.

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