2.5-2.5 eurolive Is this more profitable in the long run?

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2.5-2.5 eurolive Is this more profitable in the long run?

Midpos Tight player (500)

Hero Cutoff(850) (AKo)

Btn I think he is more off the LAG type but seems decent player(500)

Sb LAG that is tiled(300) (Ax) He showed it after tanking and eventully folding

BB Fish(200)

Straddle Unknown(210) (99)

Midpos R-20 Hero-C Btn-C-SB-CBB-F Straddle -All in for 210 Midpos-F Hero C, Rest folds

My image is tight. Midpos opens to 20, He havent played many hands and seemed tight. My first thought was to 3-bet him but for some reason It dint feel right.(Is this a mistake or should U almost always 3-bet here?) Then I thought about the blinds + straddle hoping the tilted LAG would make a move at the pot if I just called/get the fish in aswell. It's also a little tricky just flatting AK like this. 

I know live u can play very explotive but my main question is where do I get the most value from. 3-betting and taking the dead money in pre and maybe making 99 fold on the straddle avoiding the flip or just flat hope someone is gonna make a mistake? I doubt 99 will old often but if he does it 20% I am a happy camper getting extra EV? 

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