20nl: KQs TP sb vs bu REG - ch/fold river?
Posted by philipppp
Posted by philipppp posted in Low Stakes
20nl: KQs TP sb vs bu REG - ch/fold river?
Hello everyone,
this hand is vs a reg on an anon table.
I am not very sure of what my line makes most sense with my toprange here on the turn and river.
Since I do have 99, JJ, QQ, JTs and (depending on villain) Q9s in my 3betting range PRE I am betting them almost all of the time on flop and turn.
Not too sure tho what line is best with KQs/o, AQs/o, AA, KK. I guess AA, KK is a bet vs a lot of call happy regs (which there are enough of in those spots).
I guess there I'd valuebet my toprange on the turn against the A8s+, J9s, KJs, T9s, 98s, maybe K9s flushdraws, as well as QTs (all suits), maybe Q8s (all suits) if he is very light (or perceives me to be so). But also I think a reasonable villain might raise a good amount of them on turns like this especially with draws that made pairs or additional straight draws. so since i kinda want to avoid guessing games with one pair hands (with no precise reads) i elect to ch/call the weaker (one pair hands: KQ, AQ, KK+) to make him bet a lot hands that i beat (FDs, gutshots, A highs, etc). population tendencies on this limit on this site are def to float flop too wide and be too aggressive on turns like this in my experience.
does this make sense? how would you split your range here and why?
also: do you see him taking the above line on the river with worse than KQ?
thanks in advance
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