To play two MTT 500 euro buy in or one MTT 1k euro buy in (live)

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To play two MTT 500 euro buy in or one MTT 1k euro buy in (live)

Hey, i have won some package (1k euro) which i can use to play some live tournaments.

I wanted to hear some opinions on whether should i try with two events which have 500 euro buy in or should i go for 1k buy in ”high roller” event.

I have some experience playing live tournaments, and now i spend most of the time reviewing coaching videos and reading.

Those events are set for October this year, 500 euro events have a field of approximately 130 players (first 15 are paid) and the 1k event have around 40 players (first 5 are paid). On both tournaments min reward is about 1k euro.

To me, its all about getting in the money since i wont spend any money to buy in. And if i get to the HU-great!

So, what do you ppl think?

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