MTT part time player can make a little money?
Posted by Arnaud Lafaurie
Posted by Arnaud Lafaurie posted in Mid Stakes
MTT part time player can make a little money?
I was wondering how as part time player I need to approach the game to get a little side money. do we have to approach MTT with a different strategy what we call "low variance" and how to proceed? I give you my results in 2012: +5ke in 1200 MTT games and 2013 -2ke. I can understand that variance has a strong impact and also tougher games that I didn't adapt to but when you are not a reg that play the same amount of tournament as me but in a month while playing I don't know 10-12 tables in the same time or even more, how you deal with?
what would be the adaptation to make, playing kind of ABC and not running complex play or bluff or any kind of 3/4 bett bluff??
I'm curious about how differs the strategies in both case: part time/recreationnal & pro. Even if I'm a part time I take it seriously and want to learn this game because it is so rich&infinite but is it worth learning advanced strategy when you make low volume?
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