Calculating the added value of rebuy cEV versus rebuy+addon cEV

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Calculating the added value of rebuy cEV versus rebuy+addon cEV

[Minutes before the break in which case the rebuy period will end and addons will become available]

I have a choice of:

Option 1) Addon for cost $x, additional 12,500 chips added

Option 2) Rebuy for cost $x and addon for cost $x, additional 5,000 + 12,500 chips added (So that it cost me $2x or twice the amount as Option 1 to rebuy and addon)

Assume i begin the final hand with 5,000 chips (The exact same amount as a rebuy) and as such the starting stack with initial buyin of $x

What factors do i need to calculate the overall gain in cEV for Options 1 and 2 above? At the very least and to simplify further, i have:

Op1) Starting stack + addon c17,500 for $2x

and Op2) Starting stack + rebuy + addon c22,500 for $3x

How might this depend on the given level/blinds when the tournament resumes?

Comments: This question is based on a particular tournament structure whereby i felt there wasn't value in taking Option 2 above. However, i want to find out how accurate my intuition is. Thank you for any contributions

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