162$ FT 3/4
Posted by Deactivated User
Posted by Deactivated User posted in High Stakes
162$ FT 3/4
CO: 181485 (Hero)
BN: 165354
SB: 1015201
BB: 1499960
BN: 165354
SB: 1015201
BB: 1499960
8/16 2k blinds
Btn is nothing special low ROI reg. SB and BB are huge whales.
Btn is nothing special low ROI reg. SB and BB are huge whales.
(4 Players)
Hero was dealt
+cEV, -$ev sooooooo...
But if blinds go over me im kinda screwed anyway at the time i thought blinds are not gonna call me that loose and unfortunately i didnt have many spots that i had a chance to shove so not a monkey shove image. Did shove the last hand on the BTN tho.
I know it would be a fist pump ship if i would be 4/4...
With BTN 16%, sb 18%, BB 25% calling ranges:
EqP: 11,85%
EqF: 12,2%
Diff%: -0,34%
Suggest: Fold (9,2% 66+AT+,A9s+)
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