Sticky FT spot

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Sticky FT spot

Hey guys,

Found myself in a sticky final table spot and would like to know your opinions.
Not going to give ye the exact chip stacks because A)I actually can't find the hand in my database and B) Apart from 3 other stacks it is sort of irrelevant.

-$22 prog.ko final table on party.
-Hero has 15bb in the bb with over $200 on my head, holding KQs.
-Folds around to the sb, who is the chip leader with over 100bb. He rips.
-2 other stacks have 15bb and the rest of the players have 50bb+

Ran it in ICMizer giving villain 89% jamming range, results:
-Chip bb ev:6.20bb
-ICM$ ev: 53.88
ICM%ev: 0.22%

In game, I called, my main reasoning being there was not much difference $wise in finishing 8th or 6th (thinking about 2 other 15bb stacks)
Have been talking about this hand with some friends whose games I respect and their opinions have been split. Some saying it's ICM suicide.

What you guys think??


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