Starting here, journal of this and that
Posted by Sigmund-Freud
Posted by Sigmund-Freud posted in Poker Journals
Starting here, journal of this and that
First off, 6seven8 made a post that did it for me, basically he stated: get off your ass and do some pokerwork, do not expect all the answers to be given to you.
1question though: searched the web, and found nothing that made me understand this forum: how the fk do you post a gif
So I now need to thank him by liking the 10 next posts by him.
Next I find it natural to post some immediate and some timeframed goals
Immediate goals:
* play 100K hands 25NL Zoom
* have a specified learning task for the day, maybe repeated over again,. area of focus, range to look at, hand to investigate, posts to read, video to watch and analyze
* obv play poker
* have fun
What I am really geared about is that I am studying again. I wasnt a particularly organized student when I did study, lazy and immature is what I find descriptive. And I have since wondered why, because I enjoy learning, focus and the feeling of going somewhere so much. I have dabbled with poker earlier and read posts, played in homegames, but never took it seriously. And I have an idea as to why, I felt I was trying to copy some blueprint and that has a tendency to take the fun out of things and render unrealistic expectations. So I took 6seven8`s advice to heart and sat down with the intention to learn, study, be imaginative. And I instantly felt in a zone, I love it. I am entering, for me, new landscape without heavy bias and set rules, and learning the game.
I really was impressed with Stelioss videos, Pagepugas and Steve Pauls. Especially Stelios, and find the deep thought necessary to really strive towards thinking about the hand whilst playing wonderfully meditative.
Mistakes I still do that I am working on (obv tons of mistakes I do not know about, but hopefully will discover in time), that I feel are less frequent because of my time studying
* Call because I read some advice once that says you shouldnt fold this or that, when I just know I am beat, talk myself out of my initial decission without looking at the facts
* fall in love with a hand and invent reasons to why it is ok to play it, even though I know it is not the right situation
Timeframed goals
* buy pio when I reach 50nl BR requirements
* play 100 nl by end of year
* afford 1 hr from a pro by end of year
* buy 1 month of elite memebership when I reach 100 NL
* afford 1 holiday with spouse bought from pokerwinnings
1st graph Picture, after 6seven8 post, I took a closer look at ranges and understand boardtexture and dynamics more. That is it for 1st post
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