Should Called 3bet = True be winning?

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Should Called 3bet = True be winning?

So I love plugging random filters in and looking at where my game falls over and I am losing money.

Recently I have noticed that called 3bet is = true. I am losing money albeit, its not a great sample only 15k hands.

I realise in this spot you dont have the initiative. But I guess the argument is, would we have lost less if we had just folded to the 3bet?

So e.g. Assuming all my opening raises are 3bb. I have lost a total of 278bb over 132 spots where I called the 3bet.

Folding yields a loss of 3 * 132 = 396bb
Calling yielded a loss of 278bb

So am I right In thinking that I am doing OK in 3bet pots where I called?

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