from micro to midstakes, 100x the stakes

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from micro to midstakes, 100x the stakes

Hi guys, this will be a pretty random blog mostly about me reaching my dream, the midstakes. I currently play microstakes pot limit omaha 2c/4c so quite a long road ahead but hopefully this blog will help me to get on track to achieve my dream.
Right now I need to spend less time at the computer and develop again a healthier routine. I was sick the last week which threw me back quite a bit and now I ll get back to normal life hopefully soon. Certainly a topic that interests me quite a bit, what my perfect routine would look like and how it can be implemented/achieved.
This might be boring for a lot of you guys but feel free to leave a comment or question.

My goal for this week til sunday is to play 100-300 hands daily and be really happy with the way I played them. also since I aim to use my computer less in daily life I will try to play those hands in the evening, though I know for sure my a-game is during the morning times...

My second goal will be to go on vacation for a couple of days this months, would do me good :)


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