Run It Once

Pro vs Pro


How to Watch

The release of each part of the Pro vs. Pro series will be announced on Run It Once, Twitter, and Facebook 15 minutes before appearing on this page. These parts will only be viewable by the public during playback, before finding their permanent home in the RIO Elite Library.

Part One


We pick up the action ten handed with Stephen Chidwick out to an early chip lead. Follow along as our pros reveal the strategy behind their moves and how they intend to adjust to this all-star lineup.

Part Two


As our pros continue adjusting to one another in Part 2, some of them start taking unconventional approaches to the tournament.

Part Three


As the blinds increase in Part 3, big stacks emerge and interesting post flop action develops.

Part Four


Part 4 kicks off with Seth Davies out in front as the new chip leader. Follow along as the blinds get big and we see our first elimination!

Part Five


The action heats up in Part 5 with our pros applying maximum pressure to vulnerable stacks. Stay tuned as we play down to the last 5 players.

Part Six


The action resumes 5 handed with Seth Davies holding the chip lead and looking to exploit the looming bubble to his advantage.

Part Seven


Seth Davies and Sam Grafton lead the way in a virtual dead heat, but Dylan Linde, David Emmons and Sam Greenwood are all more than capable of pulling off a comeback in the final installment of the series.

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