Around 31 mins the hand with 44 on KK656, if I understood right you advocated following through with a bluff on a 6 or 5 river if we choose to lead turn. But in my experience players who check back Ax hands on these dry boards -- especially the stronger ones like the AJ villain had there -- are actually more reluctant to fold on double paired boards, presumably because double paired board reduces the combos of value hands we can have and counterfeits some of our pairs, like what happened in this case. You mention yourself that we have next to no fold equity there. I'm just not sold on the fact that bluffing that river will be profitable, even after a turn bet. The only exception would be if we bet fairly large on both streets to rep Ks full I guess.
If their range is 90% Ax and they never fold Ax OTR then you don't want to have a bluffing range at all. You can also widen your value-range to anything that beats Ax in such extreme cases. From a more balanced perspective I think we should be bluffing our counterfeit pairs.
18:05 on bottom left, utg had KK without a fd on the flop. How do you think villain should play his hand pre/flop/turn(/river)? edit: oops didnt go far enough to see if you'd comment on it, you said fold turn :D Just to have a question here then, you like call turn (fold river?) if he had KdK?
Also in general, do you defend/call all pocket pairs in bb hu vs any position open? What about in sb with 55ish, and let's say hero in sb has a 3bet range and also a pretty transparent sb flatting range? I think consensus seems to have moved back to flatting all the small pairs especially in bb?
I think villain could consider 4b/c pre although that could be a slight over-play @ 125bb ESS, depending on hero's strategy/stats. I think call/call/call is superior, especially with KKxd. KK no diamond is tricky but I'm not sure I like jamming turn as he's in really bad shape vs a reasonable turn b/c range.
I will definitely defend all pps from BB in one way or another. Perhaps calling 22-JJ vs UTG compared to say 22-88 vs BTN/SB (3b the rest). I don't usually have a CC range SB vs LP because it creates a whole host of problems post-flop. I will however CC SB vs UTG, vs fish or if there is a fish in the BB.
28min bottom left hero isos 22 vs sb limp. Assuming this flop cbet is mostly one and one, what sizing would you prefer? Thinking small bet, 1/3 or so, accomplishes pretty much the same as hero's 2/3ish
Near the end you said btn flat with 98s vs utg open is bad, it's a 3b or fold. Would you call or squeeze or fold multiway if mp or co flatted before? There was also a spot where mp opened and hero had 75s on btn, what if co flatted there? Or with 65s-98s vs a mp open, with of without a co flat? Again this seems like it was consensus, maybe way back in the day, that all these sc's on btn are clear calls. Ppl probably stacked off way lighter postflop then but how do you view these hands today? ie. not good enough to flat in general vs decent players and no fishies in the blinds and should be 3b/fold hands?
Good commentary altho there wasn't a ton of action in the vid, thank you
I would be much more inclined to call as the second caller (if someone else CC infront of us) as our pot-odds are better our SC's tend to play well multi-way. 98s doesn't do too well vs a strong EP opens so I generally opt to 3bet it if I'm calling say JTs+
Hello Cameron would you mind telling me about some of your poker history and how you got to the point that you are confident in your decision in any position? How did you develop your style of play? I ask these questions because it's very interesting how you and djunkel, both winning regs at 200nlz have very different approaches to the game.
I started off in 2013 playing on a recreational basis with some MTT's and micro stakes zoom. After I graduated in 2014 I decided to take it more seriously and I entered into a staking arrangement with a winning small-stakes regular. This afforded me access to 'study groups' where we spent a lot of time talking about poker etc which drastically accelerated my progress. I guess my style of play has evolved over time with some influence from my poker friends as well as training videos.
There are a variety of strategies/approaches which are profitable, more so the lower you play. You don't need to adhere to any specific style or strat, rather, it's important to develop a good understanding/approach to the game instead of simply mashing buttons. Continually strive to improve your game and make fewer mistakes than your opponents and you'll do fine!
Hi, In the video You suggest hotkeys to increase hands per hour...
I used to use hot keys, but I had an auto-pilot problem that I solved that removing the hotkeys which slowed down my actions.
Do you have any advice for me?
@ 3.44 at you say his range is ace high heavy. How did you come to that conclusion? Isn't it just as likely his range consists of pocket pairs higher than 44 that will call one street?
Great video! You pointed out that A2s is a good 3bet bluff CO vs MP against a weaker player, but why not against a decent one? And which 3bet bluffs should se use in this case then?
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TY Cameron.
Around 31 mins the hand with 44 on KK656, if I understood right you advocated following through with a bluff on a 6 or 5 river if we choose to lead turn. But in my experience players who check back Ax hands on these dry boards -- especially the stronger ones like the AJ villain had there -- are actually more reluctant to fold on double paired boards, presumably because double paired board reduces the combos of value hands we can have and counterfeits some of our pairs, like what happened in this case. You mention yourself that we have next to no fold equity there. I'm just not sold on the fact that bluffing that river will be profitable, even after a turn bet. The only exception would be if we bet fairly large on both streets to rep Ks full I guess.
If their range is 90% Ax and they never fold Ax OTR then you don't want to have a bluffing range at all. You can also widen your value-range to anything that beats Ax in such extreme cases. From a more balanced perspective I think we should be bluffing our counterfeit pairs.
18:05 on bottom left, utg had KK without a fd on the flop. How do you think villain should play his hand pre/flop/turn(/river)? edit: oops didnt go far enough to see if you'd comment on it, you said fold turn :D Just to have a question here then, you like call turn (fold river?) if he had KdK?
Also in general, do you defend/call all pocket pairs in bb hu vs any position open? What about in sb with 55ish, and let's say hero in sb has a 3bet range and also a pretty transparent sb flatting range? I think consensus seems to have moved back to flatting all the small pairs especially in bb?
I think villain could consider 4b/c pre although that could be a slight over-play @ 125bb ESS, depending on hero's strategy/stats. I think call/call/call is superior, especially with KKxd. KK no diamond is tricky but I'm not sure I like jamming turn as he's in really bad shape vs a reasonable turn b/c range.
I will definitely defend all pps from BB in one way or another. Perhaps calling 22-JJ vs UTG compared to say 22-88 vs BTN/SB (3b the rest). I don't usually have a CC range SB vs LP because it creates a whole host of problems post-flop. I will however CC SB vs UTG, vs fish or if there is a fish in the BB.
28min bottom left hero isos 22 vs sb limp. Assuming this flop cbet is mostly one and one, what sizing would you prefer? Thinking small bet, 1/3 or so, accomplishes pretty much the same as hero's 2/3ish
I tend to agree. Exploitatively speaking, you want to size up with value and down with bluffs vs inelastic calling ranges.
Near the end you said btn flat with 98s vs utg open is bad, it's a 3b or fold. Would you call or squeeze or fold multiway if mp or co flatted before? There was also a spot where mp opened and hero had 75s on btn, what if co flatted there? Or with 65s-98s vs a mp open, with of without a co flat? Again this seems like it was consensus, maybe way back in the day, that all these sc's on btn are clear calls. Ppl probably stacked off way lighter postflop then but how do you view these hands today? ie. not good enough to flat in general vs decent players and no fishies in the blinds and should be 3b/fold hands?
Good commentary altho there wasn't a ton of action in the vid, thank you
I would be much more inclined to call as the second caller (if someone else CC infront of us) as our pot-odds are better our SC's tend to play well multi-way. 98s doesn't do too well vs a strong EP opens so I generally opt to 3bet it if I'm calling say JTs+
Good stuff sir, thank you!
Hello Cameron would you mind telling me about some of your poker history and how you got to the point that you are confident in your decision in any position? How did you develop your style of play? I ask these questions because it's very interesting how you and djunkel, both winning regs at 200nlz have very different approaches to the game.
Hey mate, that is a very broad question!
I started off in 2013 playing on a recreational basis with some MTT's and micro stakes zoom. After I graduated in 2014 I decided to take it more seriously and I entered into a staking arrangement with a winning small-stakes regular. This afforded me access to 'study groups' where we spent a lot of time talking about poker etc which drastically accelerated my progress. I guess my style of play has evolved over time with some influence from my poker friends as well as training videos.
There are a variety of strategies/approaches which are profitable, more so the lower you play. You don't need to adhere to any specific style or strat, rather, it's important to develop a good understanding/approach to the game instead of simply mashing buttons. Continually strive to improve your game and make fewer mistakes than your opponents and you'll do fine!
How do you feel about Q9o defend on BB vs CO from the last part of vid?
Hi, In the video You suggest hotkeys to increase hands per hour...
I used to use hot keys, but I had an auto-pilot problem that I solved that removing the hotkeys which slowed down my actions.
Do you have any advice for me?
@ 3.44 at you say his range is ace high heavy. How did you come to that conclusion? Isn't it just as likely his range consists of pocket pairs higher than 44 that will call one street?
Great video! You pointed out that A2s is a good 3bet bluff CO vs MP against a weaker player, but why not against a decent one? And which 3bet bluffs should se use in this case then?
I find that these suited wheel aces are losing me money. Instead, I'd opt for soe stronger broadways or suited connectors.
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