5:30 You had A3off in the button with 8 BB, you were talking about this was on the bubble but even though, would you do better by shoving this one, or mb you prefer open folding instead to get ITM? I assume the shoving option lead us to suffer variance, but on the other hand, is the best move IMO to preserve FE. Thanks for those vids man.
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I just realized you got busted from the main event, prety unfrotunate that flip, wanted to see you deeper. Anyways great job. Congrats.
Thanks man, was fun! Try again next year =)
This video is marked as NLHE, but should be marked as MTT.
Sorry about that Defi.
5:30 You had A3off in the button with 8 BB, you were talking about this was on the bubble but even though, would you do better by shoving this one, or mb you prefer open folding instead to get ITM? I assume the shoving option lead us to suffer variance, but on the other hand, is the best move IMO to preserve FE. Thanks for those vids man.
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