With 55 on the bottom right at 21:45 what are your thoughts on betting small and trying to induce a bigger bet? 8500 is a huge bet relative to your stack size and much less relative to his stack size. Is he really calling with A10 for 8500? what about a 5000 bet?
Great video!
29:00 onwards, Do you think the flop bet sizing on table 1 should've been more on that flop? Would've also set us up for a pot size shove on the turn.
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With 55 on the bottom right at 21:45 what are your thoughts on betting small and trying to induce a bigger bet? 8500 is a huge bet relative to your stack size and much less relative to his stack size. Is he really calling with A10 for 8500? what about a 5000 bet?
Hey Paul,
Great video!
29:00 onwards, Do you think the flop bet sizing on table 1 should've been more on that flop? Would've also set us up for a pot size shove on the turn.
12:35 - you say you prefer a shove. Do you feel the villain will ever fold instead of calling 3k chips for a 15k pot?
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