33:51 if your Jx range to bet turn is probably JT or worse, those hands are probably not strong enough to bet 3/4 pot OTR if he is not super cally with pairs lower than Q and 7x.
Given that, if your river value betting range is Qx+ and there is a lot combos that are pretty low in your range as low gutters, shouldn't you size larger ?
I think you may be right (although if I bet turn with JT here, I'd follow through this river) but I don't often stray from my standard sizing choice in this situation when the bulk of my value betting range is still simply 1 pair. He's going to have some raising hands in these spots and I don't want to guess at a new bet size in almost every river situation when there's a pretty minimal EV change along with a reasonable chance he'll pick up on my intentions with my specific hand. I prefer to make these types of sizing adjustments away from the table and then implement them more confidently in a balanced manner at the table.
- Again, Chaoren160 is NOT a Chinese dude. But fyi, Chao Ren means superman in Chinese.
- Checking back QJ on Q97ccc to protect our checking range, plus we rarely going to get 3 streets value unless we have an amazing run out
- When villain going thinner and wider for value, we should attack his checking range with a fucking vengeance
- J8 maybe a bluff catcher against a overbet on river 578hhTKh @25:20
- When we bet bigger we can bluff wider
- We continue to run good
- Against a good player, we can’t play our hand in a vacuum
Watching how you decipher a player’s game is like watching a detective solve a murder mystery. I really enjoy how you piece all the information together and come up with a plan to counter villain’s strategy.
Thank you very much for making this video. Gald to see you crushing it. We can’t wait for the next one !!!
Our blocker goals here should be to remove the top of his range for this sizing and allow for bluffs if possible. I think he is quite likely to size Jx this way and his best jacks are the ones with Kd or Qd, which should also be unlikely cards to be bluffing here (more likely low gutters or fds). When we arrive here with KdQx or KxQd that seems ideal, and I'd expand from there if necessary with the same idea in mind.
at 33:50-34:00 minutes you talk about his turn overbet on the Q82 flop, 9 turn, you say you have every TJ combo in your range. Dont you think alot of that combo would C/r the flop as his barrel numbers are very high 71%. Seems like calling flop with gutshot isnt a good strategy against his overall gameplan on that dry a board? actually im not sure which stats are villians on the right table. I guess if hes turn cbetting 41% then calling gutshot is standard?
Flop x/r is a reasonable choice against him because of the big drop off in aggression after the flop, but it wasn't a big part of my game in this match vs him and at the time I would have x/c 100%.
at 41:00 you raise the 64 on the river to his small river bet, what hands are you trying to get called with that you beat? you said its a value raise so you are expecting 3x-55 to call ?
I'm just trying not to over complicate the spot - I was very very certain that he was making this play unbalanced in that instance and my hand was best.
I remarked on the hand selection in a comment above. As for over bluffing, I don't think I had any reason to try and do that vs him yet. He's shown to be very capable at including strong hands in weaker bet sizes and also calling weak hands against raises when necessary.
Great video ! At 6'15 : You say that you are less concern about protection with KK than AJ because you are blocking his floats (K9, KQ) which i understand so you slightly prefer check shoving the turn than just betting, but blocking his floats doesn't lead his range more toward Jx (which would mostly bet if we check anyway) and T which call our bet and check if we check and we can lose value on certain run out river (scary card, Q, K, A ?). Or if he folds against our bet/check/bet line. Probably misunderstood this hand or maybe it's not a sufficient argument/you think that he will bet most of his T x hands ;) Thx !
My idea was partially that this player is more likely to bet Tx than other players because of his tendency to have wide betting ranges for small sizings. Basically my biggest concern when checking is that I'll miss value from hands with high equity vs me that choose to check behind (KQ being a primary example). Tx is a hand that will generally payoff 2 streets and will be forced to call a river lead on almost any card when I bet/check/bet. It's kind of a different question/exploit altogether if he's going to fold some bluff catchers vs bet/check/bet that would call vs a 2 barrel.
29:50 - You mention betting an Ace or 5 river but with a smaller bet sizing. Which of the more nutted hands would you put into this range and why? Or, would you simply have a ten as your strongest hand with a smaller bet size, and just bluff catch vs a raise the appropriate %, perhaps based on the blocking potential of the card in your hand that isn't a ten?
Hey Kevin, i notice that you defend very wide vs 3bets by flatting, like hands like K4 suit, 9T off, etc,
- how do you assess what range is good to defend vs a particular player? do you use the minimum defense frequency formula (1-A)%? or is there any other better way to find an appropriate way to figure out whats the best strategy vs your opponent?
-Also min 25:35 the J8 hand on the right side, you mentioned that you don`t have a check raising range on that board (578 two hearts) could you please elaborate a bit more of why is not a good idea to check raise that board?, what do you take in to consideration before deciding what are good boards to check raise? i personally think that any board that is coordinated enough contain a straight in it is good enough to do it, since our sets (top and middle), two pair (top two) and straight wants to put as much money as possible here before the board change texture.. what do you think about that idea?
Thanks in advance Kevin, great video as usual, and have a great week!
Against 3bets I'm basically just going off past data/stats from years of hands playing tighter than this to assess if I can widen my ranges. Minimum defense is hardly a concern of mine these days because most everyone agrees that the hands near the cutoff point for 1-A% are quite easily profitable to play (against button opens and against bb 3bets).
As for the x/r idea, I've talked in other videos/comment threads about my somewhat counter intuitive approach when boards are dynamic. I don't like to bloat pots OOP when the board texture changes are frequent and often not in favor of the guy who put in the last aggressive action. I prefer to bloat pots OOP when my value range is going to remain strong throughout the hand more often (i.e. on turns, or on flops that are more static).
Oh interesting i heard another strong player saying the same about the way he flats 3bets, just base on past data. The only problem i see with that strategy is that as the game evolves, hands that were profitable to flat one year or two years ago might not be profitable to call this days... but again when 2 good players agree on something and i don`t lol, odds are i m wrong haha, well thanks for the answer Kevin, this will definitely shape the way i think about this spot. Cheers
40.00 : You bet big because hes capped and you have alot of Qx here and more Qx than him overall.
The way is see it you have very little air in this situation OTR. What are you planning on bluffing here to support the psb? Most of your range is either paired or straights and villain is weak.
Mostly A high backdoors and 3x seem obvious to me, which might be enough already. We can expect some reasonable success in getting better hands to fold with anything that loses to Tx really, so we have a lot of options to bluff with.
Hey Kevin any chance of expanding on the minimum hand requirements to defend vs a 3 bet.... Iv been playing a lot of 3 handed games vs two regs lately and defending like a9 and a10 off and it felt like I was folding flop way too often vs c bets .... So it's a spot where I don't know how often I need to win the hand to make it a profitable defend... What's the weakest ax off combo you defend vs a pot size 3 bet?
From past data I find that A2o-A5o do fine defending against the average 3bet sizing that I'm facing. I like to take some 4bet bluffs from my offsuit Ax as well. I believe the average frequency you're facing in 3 handed games btn vs bb is quite similar to the one I'd face in HU games. It's often the case (as is when defending a lot of situations) that you don't realize how infrequently you need to win pots in order for calling to be better than folding. I'd encourage you to comb through your past results with fringe defense hands and see how they do in comparison to folding.
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Great video.
33:51 if your Jx range to bet turn is probably JT or worse, those hands are probably not strong enough to bet 3/4 pot OTR if he is not super cally with pairs lower than Q and 7x.
Given that, if your river value betting range is Qx+ and there is a lot combos that are pretty low in your range as low gutters, shouldn't you size larger ?
I think you may be right (although if I bet turn with JT here, I'd follow through this river) but I don't often stray from my standard sizing choice in this situation when the bulk of my value betting range is still simply 1 pair. He's going to have some raising hands in these spots and I don't want to guess at a new bet size in almost every river situation when there's a pretty minimal EV change along with a reasonable chance he'll pick up on my intentions with my specific hand. I prefer to make these types of sizing adjustments away from the table and then implement them more confidently in a balanced manner at the table.
- Again, Chaoren160 is NOT a Chinese dude. But fyi, Chao Ren means superman in Chinese.
- Checking back QJ on Q97ccc to protect our checking range, plus we rarely going to get 3 streets value unless we have an amazing run out
- When villain going thinner and wider for value, we should attack his checking range with a fucking vengeance
- J8 maybe a bluff catcher against a overbet on river 578hhTKh @25:20
- When we bet bigger we can bluff wider
- We continue to run good
- Against a good player, we can’t play our hand in a vacuum
Watching how you decipher a player’s game is like watching a detective solve a murder mystery. I really enjoy how you piece all the information together and come up with a plan to counter villain’s strategy.
Thank you very much for making this video. Gald to see you crushing it. We can’t wait for the next one !!!
Best wishes !!!
Great video.
22:10 on the J7Jdd 5d Ah board. What are some good combos to bluff jam the river with?
Our blocker goals here should be to remove the top of his range for this sizing and allow for bluffs if possible. I think he is quite likely to size Jx this way and his best jacks are the ones with Kd or Qd, which should also be unlikely cards to be bluffing here (more likely low gutters or fds). When we arrive here with KdQx or KxQd that seems ideal, and I'd expand from there if necessary with the same idea in mind.
Hey guys I'm going to be without internet for a few days but I'll check out the comments when I get back!
enjoyed the videos!
at 33:50-34:00 minutes you talk about his turn overbet on the Q82 flop, 9 turn, you say you have every TJ combo in your range. Dont you think alot of that combo would C/r the flop as his barrel numbers are very high 71%. Seems like calling flop with gutshot isnt a good strategy against his overall gameplan on that dry a board? actually im not sure which stats are villians on the right table. I guess if hes turn cbetting 41% then calling gutshot is standard?
Flop x/r is a reasonable choice against him because of the big drop off in aggression after the flop, but it wasn't a big part of my game in this match vs him and at the time I would have x/c 100%.
at 41:00 you raise the 64 on the river to his small river bet, what hands are you trying to get called with that you beat? you said its a value raise so you are expecting 3x-55 to call ?
I'm just trying not to over complicate the spot - I was very very certain that he was making this play unbalanced in that instance and my hand was best.
21.45 - The hand where you valueshove K-high flush on the river.
What hands would you prefer to use as a bluff-shove in that spot?
Would you overbluff this spot due to he's betsize / your assumptions regarding he's betsize?
I remarked on the hand selection in a comment above. As for over bluffing, I don't think I had any reason to try and do that vs him yet. He's shown to be very capable at including strong hands in weaker bet sizes and also calling weak hands against raises when necessary.
Run better bro.
Great video ! At 6'15 : You say that you are less concern about protection with KK than AJ because you are blocking his floats (K9, KQ) which i understand so you slightly prefer check shoving the turn than just betting, but blocking his floats doesn't lead his range more toward Jx (which would mostly bet if we check anyway) and T which call our bet and check if we check and we can lose value on certain run out river (scary card, Q, K, A ?). Or if he folds against our bet/check/bet line. Probably misunderstood this hand or maybe it's not a sufficient argument/you think that he will bet most of his T x hands ;) Thx !
My idea was partially that this player is more likely to bet Tx than other players because of his tendency to have wide betting ranges for small sizings. Basically my biggest concern when checking is that I'll miss value from hands with high equity vs me that choose to check behind (KQ being a primary example). Tx is a hand that will generally payoff 2 streets and will be forced to call a river lead on almost any card when I bet/check/bet. It's kind of a different question/exploit altogether if he's going to fold some bluff catchers vs bet/check/bet that would call vs a 2 barrel.
29:50 - You mention betting an Ace or 5 river but with a smaller bet sizing. Which of the more nutted hands would you put into this range and why? Or, would you simply have a ten as your strongest hand with a smaller bet size, and just bluff catch vs a raise the appropriate %, perhaps based on the blocking potential of the card in your hand that isn't a ten?
Strong hands that include a 5 or, to a lesser extent, an A should generally benefit from using this small sizing.
Hey Kevin, i notice that you defend very wide vs 3bets by flatting, like hands like K4 suit, 9T off, etc,
- how do you assess what range is good to defend vs a particular player? do you use the minimum defense frequency formula (1-A)%? or is there any other better way to find an appropriate way to figure out whats the best strategy vs your opponent?
-Also min 25:35 the J8 hand on the right side, you mentioned that you don`t have a check raising range on that board (578 two hearts) could you please elaborate a bit more of why is not a good idea to check raise that board?, what do you take in to consideration before deciding what are good boards to check raise? i personally think that any board that is coordinated enough contain a straight in it is good enough to do it, since our sets (top and middle), two pair (top two) and straight wants to put as much money as possible here before the board change texture.. what do you think about that idea?
Thanks in advance Kevin, great video as usual, and have a great week!
Against 3bets I'm basically just going off past data/stats from years of hands playing tighter than this to assess if I can widen my ranges. Minimum defense is hardly a concern of mine these days because most everyone agrees that the hands near the cutoff point for 1-A% are quite easily profitable to play (against button opens and against bb 3bets).
As for the x/r idea, I've talked in other videos/comment threads about my somewhat counter intuitive approach when boards are dynamic. I don't like to bloat pots OOP when the board texture changes are frequent and often not in favor of the guy who put in the last aggressive action. I prefer to bloat pots OOP when my value range is going to remain strong throughout the hand more often (i.e. on turns, or on flops that are more static).
Oh interesting i heard another strong player saying the same about the way he flats 3bets, just base on past data. The only problem i see with that strategy is that as the game evolves, hands that were profitable to flat one year or two years ago might not be profitable to call this days... but again when 2 good players agree on something and i don`t lol, odds are i m wrong haha, well thanks for the answer Kevin, this will definitely shape the way i think about this spot. Cheers
It has been 2 weeks, please post the next part...... Please
hahahah looking forward to see this one as well!! and of curse waiting for that Sunday! lol you know it!
Hi, superb video series.
40.00 : You bet big because hes capped and you have alot of Qx here and more Qx than him overall.
The way is see it you have very little air in this situation OTR. What are you planning on bluffing here to support the psb? Most of your range is either paired or straights and villain is weak.
Mostly A high backdoors and 3x seem obvious to me, which might be enough already. We can expect some reasonable success in getting better hands to fold with anything that loses to Tx really, so we have a lot of options to bluff with.
Hey Kevin any chance of expanding on the minimum hand requirements to defend vs a 3 bet.... Iv been playing a lot of 3 handed games vs two regs lately and defending like a9 and a10 off and it felt like I was folding flop way too often vs c bets .... So it's a spot where I don't know how often I need to win the hand to make it a profitable defend... What's the weakest ax off combo you defend vs a pot size 3 bet?
From past data I find that A2o-A5o do fine defending against the average 3bet sizing that I'm facing. I like to take some 4bet bluffs from my offsuit Ax as well. I believe the average frequency you're facing in 3 handed games btn vs bb is quite similar to the one I'd face in HU games. It's often the case (as is when defending a lot of situations) that you don't realize how infrequently you need to win pots in order for calling to be better than folding. I'd encourage you to comb through your past results with fringe defense hands and see how they do in comparison to folding.
Tnx, nice explanation of spots :)
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