- Op went for gangsta value instead of being afraid of value cutting himself
- Check a set of 99 on QJ9 is advised mutiway
- Stabbing range on QJ9 should include some kkxx, and ttxx
- When we value heavy or bluff heavy in spots, we should set raising size accordingly ie close to GTO against competent villain.
Great video. Thanks for the detailed explanation. I really like the first hand, pretty gangsta imo.
really enjoyed this video zach, both because of pokerjuice and your analysis. i've been considering purchasing poker juice, but im kinda on the fence about how useful it would be for my purposes. any general advice/reactions about poker juice?
I am a bit confused maybe because my first language is not English.
1. From QQAJ perspective shuld we call river or not, I think most of population insta call this spot, but your analysis show's us that if OP have only blockers in this spot even then it's not enough blaff there from GTO perspective, so is it really fold against not crazy players ?
2. And from BUT perspective is that sizing 3500 good or not, as I understood it's good.
Vs me its a toss up ;) Vs a lot of live pros who are competent but on the more passive side its a fold. It would be a call if villain could be overvaluing a worse hand or if he is very aggro, bets flop very wide, and will bluff any time he has KX.
Yes the BTN sizing was good. It made his opponent nearly indifferent to calling or folding.
Very interesting video, as usual. I have a question regarding the second hand. If you play GTO, SB is indifferent between calling and folding. So let's assume he always folds. With your size, you win the pot 36%+9% of the time. A pot sized raise would allow you to bluff 18% of the time, so you capture the pot 54% instead of 45% of the time. This would allow you to bluff with more kings. Wouldn't this be more +EV?
If we had more no SD value KX to add as bluffs it would probably increase our EV. However, the KX bluffs I listed out and the QJ bluffs are probably nearly all the blockers I would ever have in this spot. Recall I had to bet the flop to get to this spot and my betting range for flop is predominately KK TT and KT. Well, KK is value, TT doesnt block anything so its a poor bluff, and KT is probably too strong to bluff with. ie we wont have many KX blockers to use so we can't size too large.
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- Op went for gangsta value instead of being afraid of value cutting himself
- Check a set of 99 on QJ9 is advised mutiway
- Stabbing range on QJ9 should include some kkxx, and ttxx
- When we value heavy or bluff heavy in spots, we should set raising size accordingly ie close to GTO against competent villain.
Great video. Thanks for the detailed explanation. I really like the first hand, pretty gangsta imo.
really enjoyed this video zach, both because of pokerjuice and your analysis. i've been considering purchasing poker juice, but im kinda on the fence about how useful it would be for my purposes. any general advice/reactions about poker juice?
Thanks for the comments guys. I will get to them when I can. I am in LV this week.
I am a bit confused maybe because my first language is not English.
1. From QQAJ perspective shuld we call river or not, I think most of population insta call this spot, but your analysis show's us that if OP have only blockers in this spot even then it's not enough blaff there from GTO perspective, so is it really fold against not crazy players ?
2. And from BUT perspective is that sizing 3500 good or not, as I understood it's good.
Vs me its a toss up ;) Vs a lot of live pros who are competent but on the more passive side its a fold. It would be a call if villain could be overvaluing a worse hand or if he is very aggro, bets flop very wide, and will bluff any time he has KX.
Yes the BTN sizing was good. It made his opponent nearly indifferent to calling or folding.
Very interesting video, as usual. I have a question regarding the second hand. If you play GTO, SB is indifferent between calling and folding. So let's assume he always folds. With your size, you win the pot 36%+9% of the time. A pot sized raise would allow you to bluff 18% of the time, so you capture the pot 54% instead of 45% of the time. This would allow you to bluff with more kings. Wouldn't this be more +EV?
If we had more no SD value KX to add as bluffs it would probably increase our EV. However, the KX bluffs I listed out and the QJ bluffs are probably nearly all the blockers I would ever have in this spot. Recall I had to bet the flop to get to this spot and my betting range for flop is predominately KK TT and KT. Well, KK is value, TT doesnt block anything so its a poor bluff, and KT is probably too strong to bluff with. ie we wont have many KX blockers to use so we can't size too large.
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