13min T6hhQT you k back flop call turn on K55hh8x. The hand does very poorly against Kx and has reverse implied odds.
29min Q876 you k back 893r. You call 9x turn. His 9x hands are probably connected so there are reverse implied odds there too (he did end up having JTT9). His bluffs are going to be 3 overs + gutter which do well against a pair of 8s, too.
Those turn calls seem marginal to me I'm wondering what your reasoning was.
@4FT: Thanks! 13min agree completely, I don't like my line here. I don't hate checking flop behind, if villain is super passive and honest in order to check it down. Against most opponents I think betting flop is better. 29min: again agree, you got me twice already :p can't play perfect....yet :p
Hey guys! Thanks for the thumbs up! Feel free to comment and help me to provide the best footage possible for you guys. I will be commenting on your questions here in the video threath.
Very nicely done, JN. At 41:30 you fold your BB to a 2.5x button steal with KhTh84. I would typically be defending there, how would you improve that hand enough to put into your defending range?
Thanks! Regarding your defending range question: I don't think too much about my exact holding when folding here, more about who my opponent is and how tough it is to play at "zero-ev" by making the call here is, against this specific opponent.
T876r hand on table 4 at ~38:00 you bet 270 into 770, he flats...river brings an 8 and you jump to next hand without explaining the river. So what's your river play there? thanks
I liked your debut, definitely good stuff but I don't think you need to explain too long how to play with flopped quads :) (that not-so-interesting hand took 11-12% of the whole video) ...no hate intended, just constructive feedback.
Looking forward to more, would like to see some theory videos which you talked about, especially the "Cbet decisions OOP as preflop 3bettor with different stack sizes" and also live non-zoom videos would be awesome! The less zoom, the better.
Great video Fernando! "Cbet decisions OOP as preflop 3bettor with different stack sizes" l woluld like to see it too. The toughest spot for me now is x calling hand in 3bet pots OOP (not as preflop 3bettor). I'm not sure which hand are good to xcall flop and which are best for donkbetting turn or x raising. I think I'm giving up too much in this spot. Any video about 3bet pots done in hand replayer would be awesome!
Hand cuts off there, I see. River went check/check and he showed down KKQ5dd. I think giving up almost all rivers is best, his turn calling range should be rather strong and showdown-able.
Best video in here for some time (besides Phil obv). Nice english, good amount of tables/hands and some solid explanations. Wp sir, looking forward to more!
Great video! Very cool to see the psychology on the quad kings hand, with the super small flop bet and the timing tells... With how much training videos are focused on game theory and that kind of stuff now a days, I feel like my exploitative abilities have been kind of stuck and not evolving too much as it did in the old days... So it's very nice to have someone here who is good at both things (theory/math and psychology).. welcome!
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Good stuff. I liked how well you explained the reasoning behind your reads, for instance why you gave supernova a weak range with the JT65.
Great video. Love seeing lots of hands.
13min T6hhQT you k back flop call turn on K55hh8x. The hand does very poorly against Kx and has reverse implied odds.
29min Q876 you k back 893r. You call 9x turn. His 9x hands are probably connected so there are reverse implied odds there too (he did end up having JTT9). His bluffs are going to be 3 overs + gutter which do well against a pair of 8s, too.
Those turn calls seem marginal to me I'm wondering what your reasoning was.
@4FT: Thanks! 13min agree completely, I don't like my line here. I don't hate checking flop behind, if villain is super passive and honest in order to check it down. Against most opponents I think betting flop is better. 29min: again agree, you got me twice already :p can't play perfect....yet :p
Hey guys! Thanks for the thumbs up! Feel free to comment and help me to provide the best footage possible for you guys. I will be commenting on your questions here in the video threath.
Very good first video!
I have never used PPT, so it would be great if you can make some video on it, as you suggested.
MBN in a video that u pausing to be able to say "we flop nuts again" like every 2nd minute =) Wp anyhow
Very nicely done, JN. At 41:30 you fold your BB to a 2.5x button steal with KhTh84. I would typically be defending there, how would you improve that hand enough to put into your defending range?
Thanks! Regarding your defending range question: I don't think too much about my exact holding when folding here, more about who my opponent is and how tough it is to play at "zero-ev" by making the call here is, against this specific opponent.
T876r hand on table 4 at ~38:00 you bet 270 into 770, he flats...river brings an 8 and you jump to next hand without explaining the river. So what's your river play there? thanks
I liked your debut, definitely good stuff but I don't think you need to explain too long how to play with flopped quads :) (that not-so-interesting hand took 11-12% of the whole video) ...no hate intended, just constructive feedback.
Looking forward to more, would like to see some theory videos which you talked about, especially the "Cbet decisions OOP as preflop 3bettor with different stack sizes" and also live non-zoom videos would be awesome! The less zoom, the better.
Was also thinking this about the T876-hand I think River went check check, my guess he is giving up almost every river?
Great video Fernando! "Cbet decisions OOP as preflop 3bettor with different stack sizes" l woluld like to see it too. The toughest spot for me now is x calling hand in 3bet pots OOP (not as preflop 3bettor). I'm not sure which hand are good to xcall flop and which are best for donkbetting turn or x raising. I think I'm giving up too much in this spot. Any video about 3bet pots done in hand replayer would be awesome!
Hand cuts off there, I see. River went check/check and he showed down KKQ5dd. I think giving up almost all rivers is best, his turn calling range should be rather strong and showdown-able.
38:00 the vid cuts off. what happens on the river?
Totally wondered this too.
Really good stuff!
I'd love to see video about cbeting in the future.
Best video in here for some time (besides Phil obv). Nice english, good amount of tables/hands and some solid explanations. Wp sir, looking forward to more!
Great video! Very cool to see the psychology on the quad kings hand, with the super small flop bet and the timing tells... With how much training videos are focused on game theory and that kind of stuff now a days, I feel like my exploitative abilities have been kind of stuck and not evolving too much as it did in the old days... So it's very nice to have someone here who is good at both things (theory/math and psychology).. welcome!
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