minute 27, u lead 77 on the turn in j828, why lead small? why not lead big? why lead at all, what are you trying to acomplish?
I see high stakes regs doing this this days a lot but really dont undestand the goal of those super small donks on the turn...
Really enjoying your videos. I understand the reasoning behind the turn leads when the middle card pairs but not the reason behind the small sizing. If it improves our range much more why aren't we supposed to lead big instead. Thanks
32:18 if you are usually checking strong on the A turn, why did you size it so small when you decide to bet ? what hands are you bluffing the river with if you give up with a no diamond/J/T hand ?
I had Ax in mind for value when I chose this sizing for the turn probe. I might choose to size differently on rivers to get extra value for my stronger hands.
Giving up the river looks exploitative to me, I'm not entirely sure why I decided to. I don't hear myself expand on it either so it's just kinda weak looking in retrospect.
1:50 A7o double barrel, as you stated most of his calling down range will be Jx, but if he is calling turn and folding river, don't we have a greeater EV with all our bluffs by betting twice any2 here until he adapts?
3:35 76o , don't you think if we have a leading range here, that we should be leading bigger ? Also, what about x/raising turn ?
5:28, do you always set up your sizing on that river with all your range? Because at very best he'll be having some Tx bluffcatchers, but don't you think we are losing EV with all our value range if we decide to bet that size? Or do you think that in general all your range benefits from sligthly overbetting on that river?
7:00 Q6dd , don't you think there are better candidate hands to take this line( 76,57,47, 77) ? Not blocking FD's neither oesd seems we are giving him too much equity fr free
10:20 Q2ss, he sizes it pretty big and when we are bluffcatching on this turn where many rivers are gonna change a lot both of your equities and you're only having 5 outs to improve, do you think we need to call this one to avoid being exploited?
1:50 - I do think 2 barreling bluffs here has a high EV, yes.
3:35 - This line is discussed above and more extensively in other threads of mine.
5:28 - Yes, I think the reason that it's good is precisely because at the very best he'll have some Tx bluffcatchers.
7:00 - Presenting an alternate argument for why I like choosing this hand: it has lower equity vs the strong parts of his range and by blocking neither oesd/fd we allow him to have bluffing hands on blank rivers more easily.
10:20 - Yes I do think it's important to keep calling my top pairs, as I generally won't be able to continue any gutters, 8x or 9x hands that didn't improve in some way. They also make for excellent bluffcatchers on blank rivers which is useful to think about on the turn.
If he isn't having a check raise range here the way I like to think about the spot is just to call enough hands to defend the MDF vs his bet size. You can't call too many weak draws, or else you won't have enough made hands to bluff catch the river. Likewise, you do want to call some draws as it will strengthen the range you get to the river with on many runouts.
My guess is Kevin's weak top pair in that spot is about top 35% ish of his range and vs that sizing is a clear call.
Whats your thoughts on the pot cbet with 68o on 942 where he leads the A turn? is this a vacuum play with your hand? Are you splitting up your range here by using a pot and a small size strategy?
Same question for the 57o where you say that with the air part of your range you decide to size big on the AKT board, how does your cbetting range look like there? wich sizes and wich hands fall in to wich sizing? and wich hand would you x back?
Maybe i missed the point, but what was your reason to start 3betting those medium conntected hands like 89o 8Ts?
On your first point, it's hard to reference the hand without the timestamp, but those both sound like light cbets. These are both boards where the button has an advantage though, and generally I will keep a consistently large sizing with my betting ranges. This might change on turns/rivers but I do just use one larger size on the flop (and bluff often).
WRT middle connectors: I think these hands provide some benefit on boards that are very good for IP and where overpairs are not necessarily strong enough to protect our range. Mostly in later street play, not so much on flops. We can use a mixed frequency because in isolation these hands are certainly good to flat an open.
- Lead turn with air on AAJ2r so that you have enough riverbluffs
- Call 3 barrels with Qs2s on Qd9h8h3d3s
- Barrel KcJc on 6c4s8dTs
- C-bet 35% pot with 78 on 654 in a 3-bet pot
- Give up 7c6c after leading turn on 8h9dQdAsQs
- Fold K8o to a 3-bet
- Misclickcheck As8s on AdTs4s
Interesting the thought process behind small bets in boards like 789 two diamonds in min 31.20 when you 3bet the A9 suit, could you please elaborate a bit more your thought process behind that play?? is your approach purely exploitative in this spot or you could balance that play and bet sizing some how, if so... how would you do it? it seems like a very interesting video .. thanks in advance Kevin and cheers
The intention here is to cbet my range, as I should be at an advantage in general. I find splitting my range and then dealing with all the different spots where IP takes a lead quite difficult, but by starting the hand betting my whole range I curb that issue a bit.
Are you 3 betting 98o, 87o, and 56o purely for board coverage? I like the idea FWIW
It'd be interesting to see the difference in ev with these hands between calling and three betting. If our opponent isn't folding a lot to 3bets then I'd guess that calling is significantly better than 3betting. And we'd be losing a lot of value with all those offsuit hands just for the sake of "board coverage".
It looks like Kevin is playing a somewhat linear 3bet range. What is your 3bet %? This is just a rough guess at what I've seen you play so far is it like
great vid.
at 23min wit 87, doesn't have 8x 7x give him less bluffs and more check back hands? u say its good to have 87 when check, but idk, makes betting frequency lower id think (other then u block 76 86 that might check).
at 27:30min u say ud bet qj on t94q7, since u remove hands that will vbet themselves if u check like qx jj tj, but if u leave him all bluffs (that he thinks he needs to bluff with to balance the qx jj tj) and when u bet he thinks he has tj qx jj more often then he does, and won't pay off many worse hands a result. so isn't this maybe reason to check this hand as well?
at 33min, with 76, u say ud rather a blocker like a jack or a ten, but id argue that when he check back flop on Q98, he never has straight really, and ur blocking more of his weaker T8 J8 T9 J9 TT JJ hands. when u have 76 u actually block Qx id argue because he may check back more Q6 Q7 type hands on this board.
at 44:30min, why is T9 a good bluff? you just want to have some non-gutters on straightening rivers so you have bluffs?
at 46min, why is the turn of AA5hh Qh good for his floating range?
Thanks, liked the live play
23 - with my small flop bet size i expect a lot of pure floats as well, not just 7x/8x to bluff. Regardless though, I think it's a good idea for me to trap 87 on this board because his turn calling range will mostly include hands that have a draw, and also it's the least vulnerable nut strength hand I have.
27:30 - I think QJ is just really strong to think about checking (or really weak, depending on what the plan is lol). He's not guaranteed to bet IP with Tx but he will basically always call it.
33 - When I bet this river I'm polarizing my value range to the point where I rep mostly nut hands. That means he's going to probably value blocking the nuts quite highly in his continuing range, which in turn makes it very important for me to also block the nuts when bluffing.
44:30 - Yeah mostly. I don't think gutters represent enough combos of bluffs on this board for how wide I'd like to bet for value, and I think picking these kind of 'draws' are pretty solid secondary bluffs.
46 - I think most people would build a floating range on the flop that leans towards Qhigh+ and also backdoor flush draws. That makes the Qh or Kh pretty great cards for his range among all possible turns.
23 - with my small flop bet size i expect a lot of pure floats as well, not just 7x/8x to bluff. Regardless though, I think it's a good idea for me to trap 87 on this board because his turn calling range will mostly include hands that have a draw, and also it's the least vulnerable nut strength hand I have.
27:30 - I think QJ is just really strong to think about checking (or really weak, depending on what the plan is lol). He's not guaranteed to bet IP with Tx but he will basically always call it.
33 - When I bet this river I'm polarizing my value range to the point where I rep mostly nut hands. That means he's going to probably value blocking the nuts quite highly in his continuing range, which in turn makes it very important for me to also block the nuts when bluffing.
44:30 - Yeah mostly. I don't think gutters represent enough combos of bluffs on this board for how wide I'd like to bet for value, and I think picking these kind of 'draws' are pretty solid secondary bluffs.
46 - I think most people would build a floating range on the flop that leans towards Qhigh+ and also backdoor flush draws. That makes the Qh or Kh pretty great cards for his range among all possible turns.
I really enjoyed all of your vids. I don't utilize the same 3bet strategy as yours and only 3bet merge QJs+, good hands and hands with which i can't flat profitably but i never do it with hands like T8s/87o/89o... Don't you think that doing a 3bet with those hands weakens your flatting range too much and render his very agressive strategy more profitable ? You probably mixing with those hands and maybe it's just for board coverage, don't have ranges too readable. Thx
Yeah I will definitely use a mixed strategy with this hand class and for that reason I'm not expecting either my flatting range or my 3bet range to be particularly vulnerable.
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minute 27, u lead 77 on the turn in j828, why lead small? why not lead big? why lead at all, what are you trying to acomplish?
I see high stakes regs doing this this days a lot but really dont undestand the goal of those super small donks on the turn...
Really enjoying your videos. I understand the reasoning behind the turn leads when the middle card pairs but not the reason behind the small sizing. If it improves our range much more why aren't we supposed to lead big instead. Thanks
because we are betting with our whole range so small bet makes sense, if the middle card pairs on the river then we should lead big as we are polar.
Thanks for the reply - there is more detailed discussion on that topic in previous videos' comment sections as well.
Great video.
32:18 if you are usually checking strong on the A turn, why did you size it so small when you decide to bet ? what hands are you bluffing the river with if you give up with a no diamond/J/T hand ?
I had Ax in mind for value when I chose this sizing for the turn probe. I might choose to size differently on rivers to get extra value for my stronger hands.
Giving up the river looks exploitative to me, I'm not entirely sure why I decided to. I don't hear myself expand on it either so it's just kinda weak looking in retrospect.
1:50 A7o double barrel, as you stated most of his calling down range will be Jx, but if he is calling turn and folding river, don't we have a greeater EV with all our bluffs by betting twice any2 here until he adapts?
3:35 76o , don't you think if we have a leading range here, that we should be leading bigger ? Also, what about x/raising turn ?
5:28, do you always set up your sizing on that river with all your range? Because at very best he'll be having some Tx bluffcatchers, but don't you think we are losing EV with all our value range if we decide to bet that size? Or do you think that in general all your range benefits from sligthly overbetting on that river?
7:00 Q6dd , don't you think there are better candidate hands to take this line( 76,57,47, 77) ? Not blocking FD's neither oesd seems we are giving him too much equity fr free
10:20 Q2ss, he sizes it pretty big and when we are bluffcatching on this turn where many rivers are gonna change a lot both of your equities and you're only having 5 outs to improve, do you think we need to call this one to avoid being exploited?
1:50 - I do think 2 barreling bluffs here has a high EV, yes.
3:35 - This line is discussed above and more extensively in other threads of mine.
5:28 - Yes, I think the reason that it's good is precisely because at the very best he'll have some Tx bluffcatchers.
7:00 - Presenting an alternate argument for why I like choosing this hand: it has lower equity vs the strong parts of his range and by blocking neither oesd/fd we allow him to have bluffing hands on blank rivers more easily.
10:20 - Yes I do think it's important to keep calling my top pairs, as I generally won't be able to continue any gutters, 8x or 9x hands that didn't improve in some way. They also make for excellent bluffcatchers on blank rivers which is useful to think about on the turn.
If he isn't having a check raise range here the way I like to think about the spot is just to call enough hands to defend the MDF vs his bet size. You can't call too many weak draws, or else you won't have enough made hands to bluff catch the river. Likewise, you do want to call some draws as it will strengthen the range you get to the river with on many runouts.
My guess is Kevin's weak top pair in that spot is about top 35% ish of his range and vs that sizing is a clear call.
Whats your thoughts on the pot cbet with 68o on 942 where he leads the A turn? is this a vacuum play with your hand? Are you splitting up your range here by using a pot and a small size strategy?
Same question for the 57o where you say that with the air part of your range you decide to size big on the AKT board, how does your cbetting range look like there? wich sizes and wich hands fall in to wich sizing? and wich hand would you x back?
Maybe i missed the point, but what was your reason to start 3betting those medium conntected hands like 89o 8Ts?
On your first point, it's hard to reference the hand without the timestamp, but those both sound like light cbets. These are both boards where the button has an advantage though, and generally I will keep a consistently large sizing with my betting ranges. This might change on turns/rivers but I do just use one larger size on the flop (and bluff often).
WRT middle connectors: I think these hands provide some benefit on boards that are very good for IP and where overpairs are not necessarily strong enough to protect our range. Mostly in later street play, not so much on flops. We can use a mixed frequency because in isolation these hands are certainly good to flat an open.
- Lead turn with air on AAJ2r so that you have enough riverbluffs
- Call 3 barrels with Qs2s on Qd9h8h3d3s
- Barrel KcJc on 6c4s8dTs
- C-bet 35% pot with 78 on 654 in a 3-bet pot
- Give up 7c6c after leading turn on 8h9dQdAsQs
- Fold K8o to a 3-bet
- Misclickcheck As8s on AdTs4s
Would you call K8o ?
Highlights, really :)
K8o is a very boarderline hand to call.
Interesting the thought process behind small bets in boards like 789 two diamonds in min 31.20 when you 3bet the A9 suit, could you please elaborate a bit more your thought process behind that play?? is your approach purely exploitative in this spot or you could balance that play and bet sizing some how, if so... how would you do it? it seems like a very interesting video .. thanks in advance Kevin and cheers
The intention here is to cbet my range, as I should be at an advantage in general. I find splitting my range and then dealing with all the different spots where IP takes a lead quite difficult, but by starting the hand betting my whole range I curb that issue a bit.
Great video Kevin,
Are you 3 betting 98o, 87o, and 56o purely for board coverage? I like the idea FWIW
It'd be interesting to see the difference in ev with these hands between calling and three betting. If our opponent isn't folding a lot to 3bets then I'd guess that calling is significantly better than 3betting. And we'd be losing a lot of value with all those offsuit hands just for the sake of "board coverage".
I think you're underestimating how much EV is gained by 3betting a random hand within a strong 3bet range.
It looks like Kevin is playing a somewhat linear 3bet range. What is your 3bet %? This is just a rough guess at what I've seen you play so far is it like
98o, 87o, 54o
65s-63s, 54s-53s
14% ish? Do you have a chart you follow or is it more of a feel thing in the middle of a match tailored to your opponents button raise size and VPIP?
great vid.
at 23min wit 87, doesn't have 8x 7x give him less bluffs and more check back hands? u say its good to have 87 when check, but idk, makes betting frequency lower id think (other then u block 76 86 that might check).
at 27:30min u say ud bet qj on t94q7, since u remove hands that will vbet themselves if u check like qx jj tj, but if u leave him all bluffs (that he thinks he needs to bluff with to balance the qx jj tj) and when u bet he thinks he has tj qx jj more often then he does, and won't pay off many worse hands a result. so isn't this maybe reason to check this hand as well?
at 33min, with 76, u say ud rather a blocker like a jack or a ten, but id argue that when he check back flop on Q98, he never has straight really, and ur blocking more of his weaker T8 J8 T9 J9 TT JJ hands. when u have 76 u actually block Qx id argue because he may check back more Q6 Q7 type hands on this board.
at 44:30min, why is T9 a good bluff? you just want to have some non-gutters on straightening rivers so you have bluffs?
at 46min, why is the turn of AA5hh Qh good for his floating range?
Thanks, liked the live play
23 - with my small flop bet size i expect a lot of pure floats as well, not just 7x/8x to bluff. Regardless though, I think it's a good idea for me to trap 87 on this board because his turn calling range will mostly include hands that have a draw, and also it's the least vulnerable nut strength hand I have.
27:30 - I think QJ is just really strong to think about checking (or really weak, depending on what the plan is lol). He's not guaranteed to bet IP with Tx but he will basically always call it.
33 - When I bet this river I'm polarizing my value range to the point where I rep mostly nut hands. That means he's going to probably value blocking the nuts quite highly in his continuing range, which in turn makes it very important for me to also block the nuts when bluffing.
44:30 - Yeah mostly. I don't think gutters represent enough combos of bluffs on this board for how wide I'd like to bet for value, and I think picking these kind of 'draws' are pretty solid secondary bluffs.
46 - I think most people would build a floating range on the flop that leans towards Qhigh+ and also backdoor flush draws. That makes the Qh or Kh pretty great cards for his range among all possible turns.
23 - with my small flop bet size i expect a lot of pure floats as well, not just 7x/8x to bluff. Regardless though, I think it's a good idea for me to trap 87 on this board because his turn calling range will mostly include hands that have a draw, and also it's the least vulnerable nut strength hand I have.
27:30 - I think QJ is just really strong to think about checking (or really weak, depending on what the plan is lol). He's not guaranteed to bet IP with Tx but he will basically always call it.
33 - When I bet this river I'm polarizing my value range to the point where I rep mostly nut hands. That means he's going to probably value blocking the nuts quite highly in his continuing range, which in turn makes it very important for me to also block the nuts when bluffing.
44:30 - Yeah mostly. I don't think gutters represent enough combos of bluffs on this board for how wide I'd like to bet for value, and I think picking these kind of 'draws' are pretty solid secondary bluffs.
46 - I think most people would build a floating range on the flop that leans towards Qhigh+ and also backdoor flush draws. That makes the Qh or Kh pretty great cards for his range among all possible turns.
I really enjoyed all of your vids. I don't utilize the same 3bet strategy as yours and only 3bet merge QJs+, good hands and hands with which i can't flat profitably but i never do it with hands like T8s/87o/89o... Don't you think that doing a 3bet with those hands weakens your flatting range too much and render his very agressive strategy more profitable ? You probably mixing with those hands and maybe it's just for board coverage, don't have ranges too readable. Thx
Yeah I will definitely use a mixed strategy with this hand class and for that reason I'm not expecting either my flatting range or my 3bet range to be particularly vulnerable.
So you are using a suit randomizer or looking at your watch etc to choose to sometimes 3bet and sometimes flat some of these hands?
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