In the KJs hand (~18:00) - Would have a overcalling range if you were KurtWSOP facing a shove by EP and a Call on the button? And also, don't you consider shoving worse PP (55, 66, for example) since button has a huge folding range when you shove?
Yea, its amazing to be part of this community as a coach :D
Well, regards to the hand, against a jam and only a call from BU we def. need an overcall range from BB and I suppose it should be something around 12% - 15% : 55+, A2s+, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, ATo+, KQo (in some freq.) depending on what we think BU is calling.
Now with HRC doing some PKO sims I guess will be easier to have exact results, so I will try (I say try because for the sim to work we need to know how many players left atm of the hand, as well as remaining payouts and avg. stack) to run this hand and will let you know.
I guess having a jamming range from BB is fine but variance is just too high and calling already has such a great EV (If BB stack was shorter, would def. be shoving wider). And besides that, from experience, I guess players tend to play a bit tighter and bluff less when one of the players is already allin.
I did a poor aproximation with new HRC and seems BB overcalling range should be something like 13% (44+, ATs+, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, T9s, 98s, 87s, AJo+, KQo) wich shows I was not that wrong :D
BB shoving range shouldn't be wider than 66+, ATs, KQs, AJo (but software only jams TT+, AJs, AQo)
Great Video. One question: if we assume that the villains also do the dead money bounty calculation correctly and widen there range, couldnt that mean that we can adjust and be even more wider if we base our Math on the HRC freezeout Calculations?
Its a spoiler but I will show it in the next video, I guess about to be out soon. But in general as we have less FE our shoving range has to be tighter.
Obrigado Pedro!
A question regarding the math of PKO. In the video we said that 500$ PKO is equal to 50k worth of chips (as SS was 100k). But we would only get the 250$ PKO and the other half of 250$ is added to our own scalp, which we cant realize now. (This would perhaps change at FT/closer to a scenario of winning our own). If this is true, dosent that make the chips value worth only 25k? What Im I missing here?
As we pay $500 for 100k, and after we knock out an opponent, we would get half of the remaining $500, in chips its worth half of initial stack:
$500 - 100k
$250 - x
x = 50k.
Hey Pedro! Welcome to RunItOnce! Great video very interesting.
Nice to know that in all ins 3 ways with strong ranges our range won't deviate much for Freezout.
I'm a bit confused as well with the user BananMats,
So here is my question early in the PKO 1k we won $250 and $250 goes to our head, It would be worth 25% (25k ) or 50% (50k) chips?
I was used to calculating 50% of the initial stack but reading some things that we are winning 25% instead of 50% early/middle of tournaments I'm a bit confused haha Could you clean this up?
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Hey gusmaa! It's nice to see you here.
In the KJs hand (~18:00) - Would have a overcalling range if you were KurtWSOP facing a shove by EP and a Call on the button? And also, don't you consider shoving worse PP (55, 66, for example) since button has a huge folding range when you shove?
Hey mate!
Yea, its amazing to be part of this community as a coach :D
Well, regards to the hand, against a jam and only a call from BU we def. need an overcall range from BB and I suppose it should be something around 12% - 15% : 55+, A2s+, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, ATo+, KQo (in some freq.) depending on what we think BU is calling.
Now with HRC doing some PKO sims I guess will be easier to have exact results, so I will try (I say try because for the sim to work we need to know how many players left atm of the hand, as well as remaining payouts and avg. stack) to run this hand and will let you know.
I guess having a jamming range from BB is fine but variance is just too high and calling already has such a great EV (If BB stack was shorter, would def. be shoving wider). And besides that, from experience, I guess players tend to play a bit tighter and bluff less when one of the players is already allin.
I hope it covers it all ;)
I did a poor aproximation with new HRC and seems BB overcalling range should be something like 13% (44+, ATs+, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, T9s, 98s, 87s, AJo+, KQo) wich shows I was not that wrong :D
BB shoving range shouldn't be wider than 66+, ATs, KQs, AJo (but software only jams TT+, AJs, AQo)
Brasileiro aqui, nice video #vamooo
thnx, vamoo!
def a great vidao! welcome to rio
Glad you liked!
Nice video!!!
Vamoo Pedro
Great Video. One question: if we assume that the villains also do the dead money bounty calculation correctly and widen there range, couldnt that mean that we can adjust and be even more wider if we base our Math on the HRC freezeout Calculations?
Its a spoiler but I will show it in the next video, I guess about to be out soon. But in general as we have less FE our shoving range has to be tighter.
Obrigado Pedro!
A question regarding the math of PKO. In the video we said that 500$ PKO is equal to 50k worth of chips (as SS was 100k). But we would only get the 250$ PKO and the other half of 250$ is added to our own scalp, which we cant realize now. (This would perhaps change at FT/closer to a scenario of winning our own). If this is true, dosent that make the chips value worth only 25k? What Im I missing here?
As we pay $500 for 100k, and after we knock out an opponent, we would get half of the remaining $500, in chips its worth half of initial stack:
$500 - 100k
$250 - x
x = 50k.
Hey Pedro! Welcome to RunItOnce! Great video very interesting.
Nice to know that in all ins 3 ways with strong ranges our range won't deviate much for Freezout.
I'm a bit confused as well with the user BananMats,
So here is my question early in the PKO 1k we won $250 and $250 goes to our head, It would be worth 25% (25k ) or 50% (50k) chips?
I was used to calculating 50% of the initial stack but reading some things that we are winning 25% instead of 50% early/middle of tournaments I'm a bit confused haha Could you clean this up?
All you have to do is work a simple rule of three, we can do it two ways:
$500 (bounty) - x
x = starting stack , but as we only get half on the bounty, we take starting stack/1/2.
$250 (bounty) - x
x = starting stack/2
Got it?
if we are the player moving All In first should we be playing a tighter range than NASH suggests?
NVM just found part 2
Nice Video.
On the last hand AKo show 29 or 28% equity, so it would be a fold too?
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