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Stagnating at 50NLz, advice?

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Stagnating at 50NLz, advice?

Hey RIO,

I've been grinding for the start 6 months from 2NL and have reached 50NL which I'm really proud of. The last month I've been playing 50NLz (Stars) and my rise has slowly grinded to a halt. I'm not expecting to continue crushing 50NL as I did with the smaller stakes, as obviously edges get smaller but it feels like I've hit a brick wall. At my current poker game level, everything feels 'standard', it doesn't feel I am at a higher level than the pool yet I can't see where my game needs improvement to rise to the next so called level.

I've currently got an elite membership, PIO and I consistently put in hours each day into studying, reviewing and refining my game yet it still feels like progress is negligible. I'm a big fan of Nick Howard's style of play, general philosophy and have started to employ some of his pool exploits into my strategy, I've seen him take many player similar to myself into big crushers and emulating this is what I'd like to do.

I'm just looking for some advice on how to proceed optimally, am I being a little bitch and I should continue grinding?
Is it worth perhaps moving to another softer site (Can't find anything for UK which has good traffic consistently) and grinding to get some cash for coaching?
Has anyone been in a similar situation before and got any general advice to take my game to the next level?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, ty <3

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