Sean Fri11 years, 10 months agoI haven't watched it yet - I'm sure it's great. But why was part 2 elite when parts 1& 3 were essential?
vinnidel11 years, 10 months agoThe KQss hand at 35:35 : How would it have affected your decision if his 3bet were larger, say to 8.5k--is it still reasonable to 4bet on the smaller side (15kish) and fold to 5bet? If 4bet is still preferable, what is our plan if he flats? Can he still flat pretty wide here or do you think his hand is well-defined if he flats? Thanks.
Hi guys. Apologies for late reply, have been away for a few days..
Hi Sean, I believe the problem has been sorted now, not sure why it was put in the wrong category, but my apologies there also.
Hi Vinni, I think if he had 3b to say more like 7500-8500 i would still 4b a decent percentage, although I would assume a 3b/peel (my 4b) with a smaller sizing is slightly more likely given his greater implied odds with some suited connectors etc. So I would say in the video his range is still somewhat wide if he chose to peel and although I wouldn't expect too many 3b/peels regardless of size he could mix it up with a monster/flophappy hand.
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Hi guys. Apologies for late reply, have been away for a few days..
Hi Sean, I believe the problem has been sorted now, not sure why it was put in the wrong category, but my apologies there also.
Hi Vinni, I think if he had 3b to say more like 7500-8500 i would still 4b a decent percentage, although I would assume a 3b/peel (my 4b) with a smaller sizing is slightly more likely given his greater implied odds with some suited connectors etc. So I would say in the video his range is still somewhat wide if he chose to peel and although I wouldn't expect too many 3b/peels regardless of size he could mix it up with a monster/flophappy hand.
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