Grayson Ramage11 years, 10 months agoThanks Fabio, I would flat JTs in his shoes. It plays so well postflop, and he also has the advantage of being in position.
About 29 mins in you 3b/fold 67s sb vs CO against a small 4bet. What hands would you peel this bet with getting a great price? Assuming you would 3bet something like T9s in the same spot do you think that would then become a call?
I don't think there is too much difference between 67s and T9s in this spot so I would be folding T9s as well. There might not be to any hands I flat in this spot, since I wasn't confident that he would be doing this with air often, but I would be more likely to peel in position. If I was confident that he was light I would probably just shove or 4bet, although I could flat with the intention of c/shoving good flops.
Looking back T9s actually plays worse than 67s if you think he's always inducing here.
I am starting to see more regs peeling vs 4bets OOP than I used to now getting such good odds, inc some of the other RIO instructors. What are you're thoughts on this in general ?
In this 67s hand, our equity against an inducing range is better than the price by quite a few %, but obv oop and shallowish is against us, however, do you think if you were as deep as villain you'd be more inclined to peel? And would this now give you a 3bet/peeling range (assuming similar sizing from villain)
I agree that regs are peeling 3/4/5bets more now, and I have been as well. I think it is fine considering the state of online poker today, the amount of pre-flop aggression is greater than it has ever been, and it is more viable to try to flop a pair with hands like 67s and go with them post-flop. If I was as deep as my opponent I would peel 67s here, and several other hands I am 3betting but not looking to get all-in with.
34:40 with 86o from the SB. Just wondering if you could go into more detail about your thought process in this situation. I would never consider 3b'ing here (closet nit), but would love to add these types of light 3b's into my range. What was it about this player that induced this aggression here?
Grayson Ramage10 years, 8 months agoPart of the reason here was gameflow, obviously I can't 3bet trash like 86o every time from the SB, but I felt that in this particular spot it was good. I also think it is better when stacks are shallow and you are less likely to be flatted.
Also, I noticed that you do a lot of small 3b's from OOP, and I've never find these work for me. Too often I either get peeled or induce further aggression (and it also seems that when I'm nutted, I don't get any action). I'm curious what I'm doing wrong, how to pick the right players to use this aggression against, and what type of stack sizes you recommend using small 3b's against from OOP? Thanks
I recommend paying attention to fold to 3bet percentages when picking spots (assuming you have a decent sample of hands), and I only 3bet small when stacks are shallow. With deeper stacks I definitely go bigger. I have also found that people are flatting 3bets with greater frequency than in the past, so I do not 3bet quite as often from the SB, and also make my sizing a little larger than I used to.
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At 37:05 , wwyd with jts in lottery shoes?
Hey Grayson, would you say that you're a boss, and that are you are #livin?
About 29 mins in you 3b/fold 67s sb vs CO against a small 4bet. What hands would you peel this bet with getting a great price? Assuming you would 3bet something like T9s in the same spot do you think that would then become a call?
I don't think there is too much difference between 67s and T9s in this spot so I would be folding T9s as well. There might not be to any hands I flat in this spot, since I wasn't confident that he would be doing this with air often, but I would be more likely to peel in position. If I was confident that he was light I would probably just shove or 4bet, although I could flat with the intention of c/shoving good flops.
Looking back T9s actually plays worse than 67s if you think he's always inducing here.
I am starting to see more regs peeling vs 4bets OOP than I used to now getting such good odds, inc some of the other RIO instructors. What are you're thoughts on this in general ?
In this 67s hand, our equity against an inducing range is better than the price by quite a few %, but obv oop and shallowish is against us, however, do you think if you were as deep as villain you'd be more inclined to peel? And would this now give you a 3bet/peeling range (assuming similar sizing from villain)
I agree that regs are peeling 3/4/5bets more now, and I have been as well. I think it is fine considering the state of online poker today, the amount of pre-flop aggression is greater than it has ever been, and it is more viable to try to flop a pair with hands like 67s and go with them post-flop. If I was as deep as my opponent I would peel 67s here, and several other hands I am 3betting but not looking to get all-in with.
34:40 with 86o from the SB. Just wondering if you could go into more detail about your thought process in this situation. I would never consider 3b'ing here (closet nit), but would love to add these types of light 3b's into my range. What was it about this player that induced this aggression here?
Also, I noticed that you do a lot of small 3b's from OOP, and I've never find these work for me. Too often I either get peeled or induce further aggression (and it also seems that when I'm nutted, I don't get any action). I'm curious what I'm doing wrong, how to pick the right players to use this aggression against, and what type of stack sizes you recommend using small 3b's against from OOP? Thanks
I recommend paying attention to fold to 3bet percentages when picking spots (assuming you have a decent sample of hands), and I only 3bet small when stacks are shallow. With deeper stacks I definitely go bigger. I have also found that people are flatting 3bets with greater frequency than in the past, so I do not 3bet quite as often from the SB, and also make my sizing a little larger than I used to.
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