MightySparow11 years, 10 months ago32:40 What would you do in Halfrek shoes ? On what range you usually put players that x/r that kind of flops ? I ask because for me this is a call, but Im not sure. I do this just because his sizing isnt too big and I have a lot of good turns (Q,8,diamond, J, T) . If he is bluffing we can take down the pot on later streets even if we miss our draw and if he has a set we can hit our straight or flush on the river and win a big pot. Even vs a set he is giving us 22% pot odds and we hit our oesd or FD(without cards that give him fh) on the turn exacly 31% (http://prntscr.com/15vwq0) of the time and with almost direct odds we have there profitable call if he bets. The reason why this could be profitable is that people nowadays aredoing so small sizings especially on dry flops that drawing to a draw is the best adjust we can make. Also it will be hard for him to put me on the backdoor flush or straight so we have good implied odds. Minus is that we are not that deep so we dont have great implied odds and this is ft so the chips are worth more.
The second question I asked is for me very important because if his range is polarized (set/two pair or air) JTs and in general hands with good backdoor equity are much better than hands like A9 or even AA. In my opinion regs dont raise here 9x or overpairs for value here so its mostly polarized range than merged, but I would like to hear your opinion. On the other hand recreational players tend to have merged range here, so our J and T are probably outs too so I would call.
with risk of being curt, i totally agree with everything you said. im glad you talk about a hand that i'm not in. this is exactly why you have to check call 22 in this spot..i think chance is thinking it will look bluffy, which as you said it does a little bc its so polarized, but in halfreks shoes i would float some times for sure, but probably not in this spot at the ft where i assume ranges are more value based.
Great video I really enjoyed it. I think ChanceCU play back at you with the K8o was more due to the fact that he showded looseness by showing 23o on a button and anticipated some playbacks, instead of seeing you slowplaying AK and thinking that you dont 3bet it, thinking that he is going to think that you dont 3bet AK its an overstatment, he knows that you are a smart player, and he seems to be good enough too to get too carried away with that read.
you make a very good point about this hand that i hadent considered, thank you. typical thinking even with the cards up it is hard for me to get out of my own head.
47:30 Why did you not call here? (Q2o in bb, over 40bb deep with Djanik). If this is not a good call, how is it worse than Lechucks flat with 96o in the bb with only 20 bb effective (vs djanik)?
For anyone wondering since I was...I plugged the shove by cswidler with the K8o into Nash(with also plugging in all appropriate payouts), and Nash says it's not a shove. The range it gave him to shove was 22+ Ax+ K6s+ KTo+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T7s+ 97s+ 87s 76s.
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What would you do in Halfrek shoes ? On what range you usually put players that x/r that kind of flops ? I ask because for me this is a call, but Im not sure. I do this just because his sizing isnt too big and I have a lot of good turns (Q,8,diamond, J, T) . If he is bluffing we can take down the pot on later streets even if we miss our draw and if he has a set we can hit our straight or flush on the river and win a big pot.
Even vs a set he is giving us 22% pot odds and we hit our oesd or FD(without cards that give him fh) on the turn exacly 31% (http://prntscr.com/15vwq0) of the time and with almost direct odds we have there profitable call if he bets. The reason why this could be profitable is that people nowadays aredoing so small sizings especially on dry flops that drawing to a draw is the best adjust we can make. Also it will be hard for him to put me on the backdoor flush or straight so we have good implied odds. Minus is that we are not that deep so we dont have great implied odds and this is ft so the chips are worth more.
The second question I asked is for me very important because if his range is polarized (set/two pair or air) JTs and in general hands with good backdoor equity are much better than hands like A9 or even AA. In my opinion regs dont raise here 9x or overpairs for value here so its mostly polarized range than merged, but I would like to hear your opinion. On the other hand recreational players tend to have merged range here, so our J and T are probably outs too so I would call.
with risk of being curt, i totally agree with everything you said. im glad you talk about a hand that i'm not in. this is exactly why you have to check call 22 in this spot..i think chance is thinking it will look bluffy, which as you said it does a little bc its so polarized, but in halfreks shoes i would float some times for sure, but probably not in this spot at the ft where i assume ranges are more value based.
who would you rather have sex with... Lechuck? or 2 girls that once had sex with lechuck in the past 6 months
ide have to go with lechuck, what about girls who have twice had sex with him in the past 6 months?
Great video I really enjoyed it. I think ChanceCU play back at you with the K8o was more due to the fact that he showded looseness by showing 23o on a button and anticipated some playbacks, instead of seeing you slowplaying AK and thinking that you dont 3bet it, thinking that he is going to think that you dont 3bet AK its an overstatment, he knows that you are a smart player, and he seems to be good enough too to get too carried away with that read.
you make a very good point about this hand that i hadent considered, thank you. typical thinking even with the cards up it is hard for me to get out of my own head.
very good video
Loving the dual commentary. More more more.
Nice video.
47:30 Why did you not call here? (Q2o in bb, over 40bb deep with Djanik). If this is not a good call, how is it worse than Lechucks flat with 96o in the bb with only 20 bb effective (vs djanik)?
For anyone wondering since I was...I plugged the shove by cswidler with the K8o into Nash(with also plugging in all appropriate payouts), and Nash says it's not a shove. The range it gave him to shove was 22+ Ax+ K6s+ KTo+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T7s+ 97s+ 87s 76s.
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