Pre-Session Warm Up

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Pre-Session Warm Up

 Someone in another thread just posted this link and I think it might be one of the best things Ive found for myself to keep me focused on my goals and and whats in front of me in poker.

It has great things you can add to it that it will go over before you start each session like:

1) POker Goals- you can add long term, mid term, and short term goals that is reviews with you before you start your session.

2)Tech Leaks- Reminds you what to focus on during your session that you are struggling with

3)Mental leaks obviously

4)Possible distractions you need to remove before you start your session

5)Concentration-remind you of the things that helps you concentrate the best and focus at the best of your ability

6)Video- Review video before you start(your choice)

7)Article- Read over something you decide will get you focused on the task at hand before you start

8) Session timer(Awesome for taking that 10 minute break you said youd take 3 hours ago.  It says you need a 10 minute break every hour and a half min.

Brain Games to make sure your brain is sharp before you start(not part of warm up)

I would really suggest those who struggle at the beginning of their session to check this out bc I found that it really helped me today with my session.  I felt focused and reading hands well from the get go!!!


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1followu 10 years, 10 months ago

did all that shit then had no time to play poker anymore.....tztztz

flash2717 10 years, 10 months ago

LoL.  You only have to do it once.  Then all you do is review it before your session to remind you why your playing and such.  I think its a great tool since it only takes about 5 minutes to do before your session

DialingUP420 10 years, 10 months ago

Wade, just an FYI, but don't waste mental capacity responding to 1followu. We need a strict "Don't feed the trolls" policy around here.

My warm up consists of 1 bottle of water, 1 blunt, a snack, a HH review or video, and just general forum browsing/ responding. When I do a little review before it definitely helps me focus on some of the concepts I'm trying to implement.

flash2717 10 years, 10 months ago

This is kind of what I was getting at.  I needed to do something to remind me why I play and the correct way to play.  I have a nice bowl packed up and smoke before and then on my break after an hour or so I chill for about 10 to 30 minutes and smoke another bowl.  I really have a huge leak I found yesterday.   It's costing me like 

2 or 3 bb/100 and I'm still winning at over 7bb/100.  Imagine if I'd quit spewing 2 BI per day!!!

flash2717 10 years, 10 months ago

I also am not responding to anymore of the haters.  I'm just going to do my own thing and listen to the advice that is constructive.  Not the your an idiot for whatever reason rants.

Thanks for the help and GL...  

scourrge 10 years, 10 months ago

Fwiw I tried using this site about a week ago, and the very first feature I tried to use did not work. I tried to enter goals and whenever I tried to save, nothing happened. Hope it was a fluke - will def give it another try soon.

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